Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Welcome to Texas Education Part II

Funny story from yesterday in class:

Student: Mr. Ham, what's your daughter's name?
Me: Tori, it's short for Victoria.
Student: That's pretty, she is so cute in those pictures.
I cant wait to have a daughter, I already know what I'm gonna name her
Me: uh oh
Student: Her name is gonna be : Ibotonikaala'shetanaemonety. All 1 word. Pronounced: (Ah-Bow toe-knee-cah- la- shay-toe-nay-mo-nay) try and say it
Me: **walks out of room shaking head**

When I returned, I asked
Me: Why would you name your daughter that? Her response was "Because it's funny..... I mean she probably wont ever get a job with a name like that. What would you do if you saw her name on an application"

Me: I would probably forgo the interview and ask her 1 question.
Student: What question??
Me: Are you anything like your mother who gave you that name? If she said yes, I would ask her to leave. But if her response was NO, I would definitely hire her on the spot because I have a feeling she needs to catch a break in life.

Student: Oh for real? That's messed up.
Me: My point exactly. I am all for creativity...... but every artist has limits.

Welcome to Mr. Ham's Class