Monday, January 25, 2010

116 Concert

Sunday was a ridiculously wonderful evening. The day was great..... Had a good flag football game, Tori had great timing on her naps, did several loads of laundry, and went to an amazing church service and concert. Imagine your favorite artists in the same room, rocking the same stage, and their sole purpose: Bring Glory to God. See, I understand this. Praise is naturally ingrained in our being. It is natural. It is human nature to praise, just as much as it is in you to breathe. The question is not how to praise, it is WHO to praise!
I love Reach Records & Cross Movement Records. Their music is motivating. Their message is invigorating, and Biblical. And their lights are shining like HALOGENS. This is my life... A concert packed with talented artists, who put their personal agendas aside to come to one place and minister. So many of the 116 Clique came out. The 116 Clique is named after the Bible verse Romans 1:16. "For I am not ashamed of the gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes..." Here's where they hail from:

  • DJ Official- Philly, PA

  • J.A.Z. & Magellan- New York

  • K-Drama- Cincinnati, OH

  • R-Swift - Philadelphia, PA

  • Mac the Doulos- Philly, PA

  • Young Josh- Philly PA

  • Trip Lee- Philly, PA

  • Sho Baraka-ATL (by way of Canada, TX, and Cali)

  • J'Son- St. Louis

  • Lecrae- ATL, GA

  • Tedashii- Houston, TX
JR, This'l, and others This was DJ Official's Release Party for Entermission. Absolutely, amazing. He is a true DJ, and has skilled unparalleled by most who consider themselves to be DJs. He doesn't say a whole lot, but there was a portion where they kept playing 10 second snippets from tracks he has laced/produced and the audience went crazy! His catalog is SICK!! Here is Official in the pic

Hundreds of Christians worshipping the same God, and in tune with the One true eternal God. These cats get it. They get that it's about God. Their focus is there. They live Romans 1:16. That's what I'm trying to do!

1 comment:

  1. Check out for artists and the whole 116 Clique crew. Very talented cast group.


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